Wednesday, January 7, 2009


It has been some time I had been thinking about articulating my thoughts about the present subject which may help me in clearing the clutter and confusion that exist around it.

My confusion…..
Ever since I have experienced ‘Love’ in all its dimensions like Love for self, Love for parents, Love for brother, Love for friends/sweetheart, Love for football, Love for Calcutta, etc, I have seen the levels of Love and quality of energy that gets associated with it. To elaborate on the aspect of confusion that it encompasses: I am confused; whether to call it an emotion, a feeling or a desire. Yet I recognize its presence and its magic which reveals through joy and happiness and tends to increase in-times of adversity of the loved ones.

What is Love…..
I look at ‘to Love’ to be a quality that helps to transmit and radiate a positive energy in the form of joy, harmony, peace and strength, in good times as well as to fight adverse circumstances. It is beyond the expectation of reward or appreciation and is independent of the thoughts, feelings, and actions of others. It brings in a sense of responsibility, and an ability to make wise choices beyond emotional attachments. It helps to identify and communicate weakness in a way to bring a positive response, and also helps to discover ones true self and identify strengths to help one to strive and attain their goals. It helps to overcome ones ego and try and make one understand that there is a world beyond me and mine and show the way to overcome and transform ones resentments, vanities, illusions, and other blocks, to their own joy.

How I Perceive……
It’s like nature which is boundless and goes beyond religion, caste, colour and economic background that divide the world into multiple fragments. Like nature, it’s free and for all to enjoy and cherish in this materialistic world. Like the vagaries of nature it also inflicts pain in rejection.

What does it mean to me…
Love to me is not about helping others or taking care of them but it’s all about trying to make one realize the potential in oneself and help one build oneself mentally and psychologically so that one can fight the odds of life now and in future, to become self reliant. This provides maximum help that can be rendered to an individual i.e. to help himself and does not make one feel indebt to anyone.

Understanding dimensions of love…
This brings me to the next question; how do I differentiate and priorities between the different dimensions of love. Well it’s very easy to differentiate between the human and the abstract, but I don’t have a clue to differentiate between the dimensions of love among humans. I have been put to test on numerous occasions on a personnel front, to decide my priority and I have always gone by my instinct of being by ones side who, according to me, needs me more.
The most interesting and often discussed among all the dimensions of love is that we share with our friends and sweetheart. Unlike the others it’s that human love that evolves with time from a baby in its infant to an adult in its maturity and we get an opportunity to experience it right through from its start to its maturity. This makes the experience of being in love so exciting.

One important thing in love is to be able to express it. I belong to that school of thought who believes in action and not in words. Thus, I believe in, to express my feelings through my actions. A mother does not need to tell her child how much she loves her; it is expressed through the love and care for her child. Same is in the case with ones siblings. But, what about friends? The intensity of love is different and it evolves with time. Thus, it becomes extremely important to be able to express ones feeling in this regard. I am at a fix. Even after being through all the permutation and combinations possible in life, I have failed to understand, what is the right way or mix to express ones love that speak more than the words. I conclude with a hope that it won’t be far off, when life teaches me the same through an enriching experience.


Unknown said...

dada..if I know you well, then it would not have been easy for you to write this, so Please let me know who is the inspiration behind this one :)...a very well written post with a thought process which is very clear as well as quite complicated at some places...keep them coming.

Vicky Sood said...

Really a well thought post and a totally different and fresh perspective about love.... some thoughts which r never heard before....some which r totally contradictory to what most of us think.... Actually thats the beauty of love.... it means different for different people but still is LOVED...


Unknown said...

nice post man ....

Love for the opposite sex - It is an instinct to ensure procreation so the species survives

Love for offspring - to ensure the babies survive by maintaining a social structure

Love for parents/city - the gratitude for the love and support received so far !

Even Mother Teresa did social work, because she enjoyed/believed the love she gave to the downtrodden ....

Love is an interesting emotion, selfish in my view because it makes you happy and positive. It is essential it gives us solace, hope and happiness to continue to walk on this planet without killing each other !