Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Deserve, Aspire & Achieve

It was last Sunday, I was having a chat with my child hood friend over the dinner table, and she started telling me that I shall get a life partner like the one I aspire for. I was so happy to hear that, I mean who wouldn’t.
But my next expression was why, She said,
”If you deserve something and then strive for it, and you will definitely get it”.

We need to deserve before we aspire....a take away for life

It was just another day in office and I was frustrated as usual. I was expected to do something that I thought even my higher ups would find it difficult to accomplish. But that’s life and sometimes you need to accept it as it is. This triggered me to think of what is that I could have done differently, in order to attain the same outcome. I could think of a few options but found none of them to be without its fair share of risk. It seemed that the decision was not to identify the correct solution, but to identify the solution with the risk that rightly matched with our risk appetite, not so easy exercise to do after all.
Life had taught me a lesson.....

So whenever I try to see myself in a position of importance I always try and analyse whether I deserve to be there, in terms of knowledge, expertise and experience of handling a similar situation earlier. If I don’t then, I should not aspire for it. To aspire for, is not just to have something but to deserve it and do justice to it . This brings me to the point that we all have aspirations of making it big in a very short span of time. We all aspire for profiles at work where we can apply all that we have learnt as students, but do we ever look back and analyse whether we really have the knowledge and expertise to do justice to the work that we crave for. Just the other day I met my friends over dinner when, in one of our discussions one of us was talking about having to wait for 10 years to be in a position to take the big decisions in her company. My immediate reaction to it was “can’t wait for so along’’, only for me to admit immediately that: yes it’s a difficult job and even my boss is unable to do justice to that. Patience is a virtue, but I am unsure why our generation has lost it.
When I look back, I realise how foolish I was to react......

Our aspirations should always stem from our capabilities and not from our fantasies

Does that mean we stop aspiring.....
The relationship: to deserve, then aspire and to achieve, seems unidirectional, but does that mean we stop aspiring!
Let us try to explore the possibility of a bidirectional relationship.....
We all dream, dream about what we want from life, what we want to do in life. To fulfil our dreams, we aspire. Our aspirations serve as the destination to reach and we do, all that is required, to build our capabilities and expertise, to deserve to achieve our goals and aspirations. This brings us to the point that the seed for all our efforts to built capability and expertise generate from our goals and aspirations and there exists a cyclic relationship between to deserve and to aspire. We aspire, build capabilities and expertise to deserve to aspire and then achieve, only to set higher goals and aspirations and follow the path of developing to deserve, then aspire and finally achieve.

Life is all about being realistic in terms of our strengths, setting goals which can stretch us that bit without creating unnecessary stress, achieve and in the process carve out an unique place for ourselves under the sun

To conclude.....
Most of us who have joined the corporate world after college, must have realised by now that our aspirations of an ideal quality of work may be too farfetched and many of us must be thinking of or tried to curb their aspirations to fit themselves in where they are, what they are doing, only to see themselves happy. But every time we do that, we should remind ourselves: it’s good to be realistic and be happy with what we have, but it’s our aspirations that shall be the seed to develop ourselves now, to deserve to aspire and finally achieve what we are all here for, in the future.


Unknown said...

I think the greatest flaw in this generation as compared to the last is lack of paitence, see our parents stood in lines for ration, waited years for a telephone connection and even more for a bajaj scooter or a maruti 800 !!

since, we find these so easy to access, impaitence has become the new word :) ( courtesy airtel broadband)

But there are things in life which cannot be rushed, thats relationships and career... let me deal with career first, in this tough scenario its so difficult to get or retain a job, so searching for job satisifaction is even more an utopian dream. What we all need is forebearance to take what is coming our way and take our chances when the time is right.
Its better to accept what we cannot change and change what we cannot accept !!

Mous-the alter ego said...

Just wanted to start of one of my experiences: Last week I was with one of my customers and it was a general review meeting regarding issues and service quality. There is a huge outstanding the customer has to pay for FY 2005-06, 06-07 n so on. When I actually approached towards the payment issue the first thing he told me is: Boss for that the finance teams for both the companies have to sit together and I request you to bring someone older with you. Not that I doubt your competence in hadnling issues but again an older person coming with you and you both facing our finance team will look good. :-)

Experience does count, people like us coming out of colleges and having necessary skill sets lack in one thing: Rapport with the top management that is only possible by sticking in the industry for quite sometime and of course the rich experience that working for N number of years provides to you.

Apart from that being very impatient I do understand the importance of patience in our life. I seriously question the advertisement of Airtel where impatience is shown as a virtue and the advertisement is very aptly shown but at the same time serveral facets of life can only be successfully covered by the virtue PATIENCE. The best example is your impatience can't help you in gaining rich experience at work!!!! Patience definitely will.

Lastly coming to aspirations, yeah I do admit being a culprit who has admitted to the role I am put into despite knowing I deserve to be in different vertical (read advertisement, creativity n all) but that has never stopped my likeness towards that, neither has it ever stopped the creative side of me. I believe keeping the SPARK alive is the best thing you can do when situations are not favorable!!!!

Probal Das said...

I thought of sharing something with you. I had thought of writing a blog on Patience but hit upon this idea of writing about it without a mention of it. I think it worked...I have been able to strike the right chord of my readers...

I do acknowledge the fact that our generation is a little more impatient than what people had been half a generation ago... even if i dont want to go back to the times of my parents - a full generation ago.

Further there is no substitute to experience and spending time in the market building credibility...

Vicky Sood said...

Good post probal, u r improving :), jokes apart, u rightly pointed out this is something which most of us r going thru..... And i guess many of us still beleive that we can handle better job responsibilities.... probably we need some experience like urs to realize ground reality :)

Unknown said...

Frankly, I had never thought about this issue, so formally before. But this blog made me apply some oxide on the rust over my mind. Really a - food for thought. Might be a sign off inferiority, but I had decided never to put my hands in something that I am not confident about or not competent about. But I was always a believer that if I am not today, someday I will make myself competent to achieve what I want to. I am not sure, how many of us really analyze ourselves and know how much I deserve to get at A-stage. Its like having patters of tasty, delicious tempting food in front of you, but not knowing how much I can eat and how much I can digest. I think, every person knows how much quantity he can eat, but he may not know how much of it he can easily digest. Nothing wrong in saying that a person can increase his efficacy, strengthen his digestion power, to gallop and Digest what he likes.

Frankly, The Idea of the cyclic relation between the 3, is really inspiring.
About the Blog---Very well drafted & Articulated, well structured. Something everyone should think and analyze himself w.r.t to his capabilities, potentials etc. and then being very very very very patient not about actions, but about expecting yields.

Unknown said...

The DNA, DAA (Deserve, Aspire and Achieve) is impressive and has meaning for every one around. It does not matter, if the individual is an entrepreneur or an employee in the so called corporate world.

The world which comes to my mind is “contentment”, very strong world to agree with. Your DNA talks about deserve and then aspire, which actually to be contentment in life.

I always believe in flexibility, in whatever you do, though you might want to do something else. For the very reason of having your focus on long term aspiration and the present happiness which will help you in achieving the aspired, deserve it and finally to achieve the desired.